Living Walls and Freud

When someone mentions psychology, you think of Freud, right? I do, although I admit I may be a bit crazy! The living walls at Jasper, at the corner of 1st Street and Harrison, caught my attention many moons ago. You can see them here, adjacent to a gas station, which has recently been demolished for a

2019-06-10T16:29:31+00:00 Happenings|

100 Years of History

There is a big, new 40-story building going up at the corner of Mission and South Van Ness. It is currently referred to as 1500 Mission (Related California is the developer) and, while it hasn’t been named yet, I’m thinking that it might be called the Coke Building, to the chagrin of everyone except those

2019-05-12T23:01:12+00:00 Happenings|